Joshua did good at school Friday, but didn't eat his lunch. But Friday night, I fixed garlic chicken and he ate it up. I kept giving him more noodles off my plate and he would say, "tank you". It was very sweet sounding and very if he could just be sweet and polite
all the time.
I didn't go to my 3-Day fundraiser today, but the reports back from the ladies is that they raised a great amount of money. All that money will go towards research for Breast awesome is that?!?!?
Today was my birthday and I am thankful to Joshua for letting me sleep in this morning. I have been incredibly stressed lately and I am not sure why. I had made a list of things that I needed to get done today. And right now, I don't even know where that list is. I am so not a list maker. I do know that I only got about 3 things of the 8 things that I can remember I put on the list. That leaves 5 things that go on tomorrow's list which already had about 7 things. Hmmm...I hate list.
I am also thankful to my mother & step-dad who got me these super cool landscaping lights. I (and Jeff) have been wanting some landscaping lights for quite some time. I didn't get to take a picture of them tonight, but I will get to it more thing to add to the list (that I hate).
I am also thankful to my brother & sister-in-law who got me a jogging stroller. You know...a three wheel bicycle tire having stroller. It will get lots of use during the next several months of training for the 3-day. And now that I have it, I have one less excuse to not be walking. Actually...that was my last, I need to get serious about my training. Seriously. I will get a picture of the stroller once it is put together, as some assembly is required...meaning all assembly is required.
I am also thankful to my in-laws in California who sent me a birthday check....I am hoping to get clothes with it, but we will see. In the weight loss that I have had this year, my clothes are just not fitting as well. Most of my pants are large enough that they do not have to be unzipped or unbuttoned to be gotten off. And I feel like my shirts all tend to hang in the wrong places.
I am messed around all day and am finally baking Joshua's cake. I love the smell of cake batter more than just about anything else. I don't know what it is...maybe it's the promise of the product, maybe it's knowing what goes into making a cake or maybe, just maybe it is that is smells so freakin' good!?!?!?!?!!!!!!! Tomorrow is Joshua's 2nd birthday party. I am hoping that the weather is nicer than it was today. I am so excited about Joshua turning 2. I have always wanted a 2 year old. They are lots of fun and lots of pains in the butts. Of course, in my dreams, there was always 2 of them...2 two year old's...because in my dreams, I always had twins.