Sunday, May 31, 2009

Snapshot Sunday

Here is a dose two of Double Dose Snapshot Sunday.

Joshua tried out the new jogging stroller. We wound up getting soaked because the rain came before we made it back home. The last 3/4 of a mile was in the rain. One morning this week, I think it was Thursday morning...I went to wake Joshua up and he was asleep with his basketball. He must have gotten out of bed at some point in the night and gotten the ball because he didn't have it the last time I went to check on him before I went to bed.

Last night, we kept my nephew & niece...we went to dinner and then back to there house for some pool time. Joshua didn't want to get in the pool and he waited until Mommy came out. Here is Ethan trying to convince Joshua that the pool isn't a bad place to be.
Eventually, Joshua did get in. He was in his float and we finally agreed to let him "get down" meaning out of his float. Once he was out of his float, he wanted to "get down" onto the deck. So, I jumped out and snapped this picture before he got out.

Snapshot Sunday - Memorial Day weekend update

Here is a dose one of Double Dose Snapshot Sunday.
I have been super tired/worn out lately and haven't felt like doing much of anything.

Memorial Day weekend we went out of town to the cabin in Arkansas. It was a good weekend despite some rain. Joshua had lots of fun riding the ATV/four wheelers. And a one point decided that he was leaving. He said his good-bye's to everyone and took off with his dump truck. He got pretty far, nearly to the fence....maybe 100 yards....he would stop about every 20 feet or so to wave good-bye again.

Going for a ride with Uncle Brandon.

Speeding by with Nana.

Alseep on the four wheeler with Mommy.

Video of Joshua leaving.

Friday, May 22, 2009

all about the boy

On Wednesday on the way home from school, Joshua proudly says, "Mama". Then spits on each hand and begins to rub them together. "I wash hands". Ewww...he is such a little boy. I told him that we do not wash our hands with spit and that we will do it the right way when we get home with soap and water. To which he responded, "lean hands". No, your hands are not can't clean your hands with spit.

He has been spending the evenings on his "couch/bed" that he got from Aunt S & Uncle B. Then he plays with his play and collects all the balls he can find into the living room. I have been exhausted so we haven't done much else this week.

Joshua is also apparently playing with more kids at school. Also on Wednesday he told me he played with Owen & Jacob, his usual friends, but also that he played with Zach & Korren. He seems to be remembering more and more too. It amazes me that we can not go somewhere for a month or so we go back to that place and he remembers where the smallest thing is. I had forgotten that it was there, but he didn't.

Last night we had to run an item to my sister's house because they would be needing it today. When we were leaving Joshua asked, "where nefi go?". I said 'nefi' isn't home, she went bye bye. He had never referred to my sister as Nefi before.

We leave tonight to go out of town. I had planned to blog last night, but it just didn't here it is.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

happy birthday joshua

Today Joshua went to his doctor for his two year check up. He is 33 1/2 inches tall and 28.8 pounds. And the doctor said he is sized as an average two year old (though I know he is above average :) ) He didn't have to get any shots today because he is current on everything. WhooHoo....but I had been all planned for shots. He is the only two year old I have heard of that didn't have to have shots. (Kudos to me for keeping him up to date).

On Monday evening before my birthday dinner, we took him outside with his new t-ball set he got from Nana & Gampop. Here are some pictures...

He was actually more interested in having possession of all the balls he could hold.

After his bath tonight, I again told him how much I loved him. And I held him like I used to when he was just a colicky baby. My baby is 2. Since his first birthday he has changed so much. He has started walking, going his tubes, his speech has taken off, he sings several songs, he climbs and jumps on anything and everything. He loves animals of any sort...even the ants on the sidewalk outside. He gets down there and says "hi ant" every time he sees one crawling by. And in typical boy fashion, he loves balls, trucks and anything else that moves. I am thankful that he is generally healthy, that he eats good and that he is mine. My life has changed a lot in the last three years...a lot in the last five years for that matter. I can't imagine my life without Joshua. What would I do with my time?

Monday, May 18, 2009

snapshot sunday on a monday - birthday edition

As promised...Snapshot Sunday on a Monday - Special Birthday Edition.

This is the firetruck couch he got from Buka, Epi, Etan & KD (a.k.a. Uncle Brandon, Aunt Stephanie, Ethan & Kaitlyn.)

He loves this couch and wanted to sleep on it, on his bed last night. Mommy had to say no because it just didn't sound safe.

His birthday cake with smoking candles. After the candles were removed he thought he could just bite the cake.

He had wanted cake all day while it was being decorated. I kept telling him it was too hot and it would have to cool before he could have a bite.

The GeoTrax plane system he got from JJ & Mani (a.k.a. Uncle Jeromy & Aunt Mandy).

It has a remote control and Joshua has been loving making it go...then stop and put the pilot in....then go...then stop and take the pilot out...then go...and so on and so on.

If I can get caught up on some sleep, I will get more pictures up throughout this week.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

snapshot sunday

Snapshot Sunday will appear on "Recovering at work Monday". Joshua's party was this evening and it has been a long day. Between Jeff being sick and my lack of planning for the cake. It has been a very L-O-N-G D-A-Y! Joshua's party ended at 9:30 and I am waiting on laundry to get done and I will go to bed. I will post pictures tomorrow night after I recover at work.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

happy birthday to me

Joshua did good at school Friday, but didn't eat his lunch. But Friday night, I fixed garlic chicken and he ate it up. I kept giving him more noodles off my plate and he would say, "tank you". It was very sweet sounding and very if he could just be sweet and polite all the time.

I didn't go to my 3-Day fundraiser today, but the reports back from the ladies is that they raised a great amount of money. All that money will go towards research for Breast awesome is that?!?!?

Today was my birthday and I am thankful to Joshua for letting me sleep in this morning. I have been incredibly stressed lately and I am not sure why. I had made a list of things that I needed to get done today. And right now, I don't even know where that list is. I am so not a list maker. I do know that I only got about 3 things of the 8 things that I can remember I put on the list. That leaves 5 things that go on tomorrow's list which already had about 7 things. Hmmm...I hate list.

I am also thankful to my mother & step-dad who got me these super cool landscaping lights. I (and Jeff) have been wanting some landscaping lights for quite some time. I didn't get to take a picture of them tonight, but I will get to it more thing to add to the list (that I hate).

I am also thankful to my brother & sister-in-law who got me a jogging stroller. You know...a three wheel bicycle tire having stroller. It will get lots of use during the next several months of training for the 3-day. And now that I have it, I have one less excuse to not be walking. Actually...that was my last, I need to get serious about my training. Seriously. I will get a picture of the stroller once it is put together, as some assembly is required...meaning all assembly is required.

I am also thankful to my in-laws in California who sent me a birthday check....I am hoping to get clothes with it, but we will see. In the weight loss that I have had this year, my clothes are just not fitting as well. Most of my pants are large enough that they do not have to be unzipped or unbuttoned to be gotten off. And I feel like my shirts all tend to hang in the wrong places.

I am messed around all day and am finally baking Joshua's cake. I love the smell of cake batter more than just about anything else. I don't know what it is...maybe it's the promise of the product, maybe it's knowing what goes into making a cake or maybe, just maybe it is that is smells so freakin' good!?!?!?!?!!!!!!! Tomorrow is Joshua's 2nd birthday party. I am hoping that the weather is nicer than it was today. I am so excited about Joshua turning 2. I have always wanted a 2 year old. They are lots of fun and lots of pains in the butts. Of course, in my dreams, there was always 2 of them...2 two year old's...because in my dreams, I always had twins.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

what a week

On Sunday, Mother's Day, afternoon...well at lunch, we realized that Joshua was getting sick. Monday we took him to school knowing that the school would call to have him picked up. Sure enough, by 9:30 he had to be picked up. Jeff took him to the doctor who confirmed that he had a viral infection in his eye. He stayed home with Jeff Monday, home with me Tuesday and then Jeff's work routed him back in. I kept Joshua Wednesday morning and Jeff kept him Wednesday afternoon. Today was Joshua's first day back at school. I was late getting him there...we got there at the same time I was to be at work. He gets there about 7 and at 8:35 he bit his 'girl-friend', Chloe. Lovely. After three days at home, he didn't want to he every wants to share. But at least, the rest of his day went well. He didn't eat lunch for them...he hasn't really eaten much of anything since Saturday night. He is he is staying hydrated. I think I may have to take him back in on Saturday morning, but I will see how he looks tomorrow night.
Oh yes, he has a snotty nose as well...

So, if are in the D/FW more the FW area on 3-Day team is having another fundraiser...this time at Rahr's Brewery in Fort Worth...

You can find out about other upcoming events for the 60 Mile Mamas by clicking here.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

snapshot sunday with a little extra

Saturday morning, my sister and I walked a Training Walk Kick-Off in Fort Worth. It was a 3 mile walk from the New Balance store through a nice neighborhood and back to Central Market. Again, on this walk, my outer leg muscles tightened up. We slowed down and I stopped and stretched. We slowed down some more and I stopped to stretch again. Finally my entire leg was shaking from the pain and I just kept walking. Another 1/2 mile and my leg pain subsided and we picked up our pace. It was humid but a good experience. I wish that I had brought the camera. My sister scored some new shoes from the New Balance store. I plan to get some in a few more weeks when we walk from The Runner store in Arlington...they carry Saucony's, the brand I prefer. Today, I should have walked, but we have been out running around all day, so I will cross train some tonight. We planned to take my mother for dinner tonight. She wanted Logan's, who of course wasn't taking reservations today. The wait was 1 1/2 hours so we headed down to the Arlington Steakhouse, which turned out to be pretty good. The menu said they had a top voted chicken fried steak in Arlington and judging from my nephew's plate, it must have been pretty good.

Now, for Snapshot Sunday........

We painted with Joshua last weekend. Flowers and hand prints for his Nana and Gamma. Jeff and I had fun doing this project with Joshua and Joshua had fun doing it with us. He loves to color/draw/paint/marker or anything else like this.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Tuesday night, Jeff & I had a date night. Our first in probably two years. It was great. We did dinner and a movie. We seen X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It was a really cool movie. I am not a big action movie person, nor have I seen any of the other X-Men movies. Afterwards, Jeff headed to work. Thanks to Jeromy & Mandy for the dinner & movie gift cards from Christmas.

Tonight, the 60 Mile Mamas hosted a wine tasting at Tivoli's in Colleyville. It was awesome. I have never been to a wine tasting so it was a very new experience for me. Overall it went great. Our last fundraiser didn't, so we were all glad that this one did. We will be doing another wine tasting at Tivoli's in October.

Jeff and I think we have decided on what to get Joshua for his birthday. This birthday has been a difficult one for us. It seems he is too big for most things, but not big enough for others. And honestly, if a toy gets bad reviews, I won't buy it. I am considering scrapping my cake idea and going for an easier one. I always swore that my kids would not get birthday parties, I never did growing up. It was always something small at home with just my parents, brother and sister. And I almost hate to make this party thing a yearly habit, it just gets bigger and more expensive to do parties as he gets older. I am not saying that I don't want to celebrate his birthday or that I don't want to give him a birthday cake. I don't know, we will have to see how the years go.

I am finally getting around to posting the video I promised on Sunday. Joshua finally learned to peddle his tricycle. After much practice, and I am again so very proud of him. It was more backwards than forwards, but that is normal.

Potty training has been going great. He seems to really be getting the idea of using the potty. I just need to be better about it. I put a pull-up on him last night and he went potty in it. He seemed upset because he had messed it up. I tried to tell him that it is okay and we could fix it. Finally that argument stopped and we got it all taken care of. He is still so proud of making the potty sing and I still feel like he is really only going in the potty to get to flush the toilet.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

snapshot sunday

This has been a crazy week around the our house. With the fire at Mom & David's house on Monday morning they came to stay with us. Monday night they went back down the house to pick up a few more things they would need and their neighbor came out to check on them. He said he had something for their daughter, that would be me. The gave Joshua this Leap Frog desk. They have triplets and had saved the best looking desk for Joshua. It has a LeapPad with it. Joshua thinks it is really cool.
On Tuesday night, during our 'outside' time, Joshua sat down in the grass and said "cheese". So Jeff took his picture.
I also have a video that I tried to upload from Tuesday night. It is not uploading for me, so I will try again tomorrow night.

On Saturday, we went to Adam's 2nd birthday party. It was at Leapin' Lizards in NRH. Here is Adam with our Leapin' Lizard party man...aka Mater. They had finally lit the candles on Adam's cake and he clearly thought that was cool. He even blew out all three candles by himself.
Here is Joshua in one of the tunnels on the playscape.
On Sunday, Joshua, who thinks he can climb anything, climbed up on the window sill in the study to see what Daddy was doing. He knew he was cute and in trouble so he laid on the charm...nice and thick.

More pictures on Flickr soon. Have a great week!