Bet you thought, I was skipping Snapshot Sunday again, huh?!?!? Well, I didn't. Here you go.
The weather was so nice out this past week. We did a lot of outside activities after work/school this week. On Wednesday, we played outside not long before the sunset with hot wheels type cars Joshua got from his Uncle J.

On Saturday, I had a Breast Cancer 3-Day fundraiser to attend. Mom & David (Pops) kept Joshua for the day. They were going to stay around home, but instead decided to go out running around. They made a trip into Dallas to the Age of Steam Railroad Museum at Fair Park. Joshua loved the trains. There will be pictures up on Flickr soon.

After the trains, they decided they would head over to see planes at the American Airlines C.R. Smith Museum. Joshua didn't have quite as much fun here, but he was needing a nap.

Per request, here is Joshua's size compared to Chanci's size. I haven't done pictures like this in a while. Joshua was fresh outta the bath in his p.j.'s and Chanci...well...she could use a bath.
Joshua also got a haircut Sunday by my mom. This is what he thinks about it. And, despite how it looks in this picture, it is a good haircut/trim up.
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