Friday, March 20, 2009

things to

On Thursday at work I tried to get everything wrapped up since I would not be there today. I got nearly everything done or done close enough for someone else to finish up. My doctor's office called twice yesterday, both time to change my surgery time. The first time I panicked. I thought she was telling me we would have to change days, but it was only the 15 minutes earlier. Then, they called back around3:30 to move it up again 45 more entire hour earlier than it was originally scheduled. I picked Joshua up and had dinner with Jeromy & Mandy. Joshua loves his Aunt "Mani"...and he is as much a sucker for her as she is for him.

This morning, Friday, we got up early and left the house late....surprise, surprise. We still managed to get to the hospital at 8 a.m. I was prepped and ready for surgery around 9 a.m. Nervous because I would have full anesthesia...I wasn't fully prepared for that. We went back a few minutes after 10 to the holding where they hold cattle before sending them off to slaughter. My doctor came out and talked to us for a few minutes. Then the surgery nurse came out. Then the anesthesiologist came out and said he would give me something to help me start relaxing. I said my good-bye to Jeff and the wheeled me back. When we got to the operating, I slide myself over to the other table and the anesthesiologist said he would give me the other medicines to help me go to thing I knew he was telling me that he was putting an oxygen mask on so that I could start waking up. I hated that after feeling when I could hear voices but didn't really seem to know where I was. And my eyes...they didn't want to open. And when they did...I couldn't see much because I had to leave my glasses with Jeff before I went back. By the time they got me back to my room, I had to pee so bad (sorry...TMI probably). They gave me something to drink, I kept that down and we were cleared to go. Now I am polyp free and on antibiotics for the next 7 days (four times a day) and pain meds as needed. I go to the doctor in two weeks for my follow up. No lifting for one week...I already violated that rule. No shower until tomorrow....check...will do. Go home and rest in bed....yea that was really going to happen.

After we left the hospital, we dropped off my scripts, grabbed lunch and then went to pick up Jeff's new glasses. He looks really good in them. They are a much more flattering shape and color. He is having some trouble adjusting to them....I think it is because they are so bright and shiny.

That is my update...I am going back to the couch to rest while I watch a couple of shows I have recorded. I haven't tried to watch any of them so I would have them this weekend. Laters.

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