So, after I went to bed last night, I was thinking that I did have other updates. Major shift has been temporarily changed to earlier at work. This is I get off when it is still daylight. And today, my lead taught me how to do something new. It kept my day moving right along. The three other girls that started with me are all looking for other jobs. One of them wants better hours and better pay, but through the grapevine, she ain't worth the pay she is making now. Another is gossipy and I avoid her at all cost. The other has been out sick and came back yesterday. She wishes she had been looking while she was home sick. There ain't many jobs out there. Anyway, it is all going great for me at work.
Joshua was grumpy this morning because he had to get up an hour and a half earlier than normal. He was so grumpy, he argued with Jeff over everything this morning. And had a mini-melt down when we got to school. At dinner tonight, he ate and ate and ate. Spaghetti. When he was all done, he looked like he had a clown smile. He also played with markers today at school and his hands are blue. One hand is almost good. The other hand...will just have to lighten with time. Even with a bath, the one is still blue.
Jeff's work has been slow lately. S-l-o-w. Since Christmas he has probably only worked about 1/4 of the time he should have. Not good. Not good at all. His work is thinking that it may be March before things pick up again. Not good. Not good at all.
I put in 20 minutes on the wii fit tonight, for the first time in a week and a half. I am finally feeling like my breathing is good enough to do the exercises.
Guess that's it for today.
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