I am a coughing mess. Joshua and I are both sick. Apparently with the same thing. Our coughs sound the same. I didn't blog last night, because I put him to bed and went to bed myself. Jeff got home early this morning and slept until noon. When he got up, we fixed pizza for lunch....which I couldn't taste and Joshua did not eat. I even fixed Joshua one of his little meals and he just pushed it around this plate. We ate dinner in as well, once again, I couldn't taste it. Joshua did eat dinner, but that is how he has been the last few days. Joshua has been refusing breakfast and lunch, but eats some at dinner. If he feels like me then I understand. And to make it all better, the weather is going to go from decent to cold to decent to cold all week. I wish it would be one way or the other for two days in a row....please!
We haven't left the house today, we needed milk but Jeff will go get it tomorrow. I am going to wait and see how I feel in the morning about going to work. I can't talk for more than a couple of minutes and I have a coughing attack. I am achy all over and keep getting chills. Lovely, just lovely. Poor Joshua has been pretty much the same way. Today he seemed in a better mood, but I stayed on top of his cough meds and Tylenol for his fevers today (since we didn't leave the house). I have found that Tylenol does not really do much for his fevers (especially not quickly) but it makes him drowsy. And Motrin knocks the fever out fast (I worry too fast sometimes), but seems to leave his either wired or looking drugged. Jeff is complaining of a sore throat. We are just a sickly bunch around here.
Saturday, I did get out of the house. I went baby shower shopping with my mother and sister. We got lots of cute things for a little boy. My second cousin Eric and his wife Emily are having a baby boy in early March. The shower is next weekend. The seem to be excited about the pending arrival. I am happy for them. I think that Eric will make a great father. His father was a great man whose life was cut way too short.
Oh yea....I have to make a comment....my sister chicken fried steaks with this recipe that she said was Paula Deen's. She halved everything and somehow the chicken fried was so salty. So salty that we all teased her about our salt intake. She joked back stating that we should probably sleep with our wedding rings off and not plan on wearing them today. I haven't even tried to put mine back on today as I haven't left the house or even gotten out of my pajamas.
I am taking my sickly, achy self to bed.
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